Dr. Jana Jureckova

Jana Jurečková is Professor Emerita of Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic, where she worked in Department of Probability and Mathematical Statistics. Besides that she works as a Senior Research Fellow in the Institute of Information Theory and Automation, the Czech Academy of Sciences, since 2018. She received PhD in 1977 and the degreee DrSc in 1984 in Charles University in Prague; and is a elected member of the Learned Society of the Czech Republic, of ISI, and Fellow of IMS. As a Visiting Professor she worked in Bordeaux and Toulouse (France), in Neuchatel (Switzerland), in Chapel Hill (NC, USA). Besides that she had an intensive cooperation in Brussels (Belgium), in Ottawa (Canada), in Urbana-Champaign (Illinois, USA), in Freiburg (Germany), and elsewhere.
Her Fields of Interest: Analytical Statistics, Probability, Estimation and Hypotheses Testing, Robust and Nonparametric Statistical Methods, Extreme Value Theory. In this area she was an Advisor of 13 PhD students, worked in editorial boards of statistical journals and contributed to organizations of conferences. She is a coauthor of 4 monographs and of more than 160 journal publications, rather frequently cited.


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Virtual registration fee includes the following:

  • Publication of 1 accepted paper in the proceedings. Publication of each additional paper requires a €150 EUR registration
  • Access to all the sessions of the conference